Paul Harvey warned us in 1965!

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma's prison system at a glance

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma's prison system at a glance: A very short bit of information: From NewsOK (The Oklahoman) Published: September 12, 2010 Oklahoma leads the nation in the number of...

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma House panel looks at children of incarcer...

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma House panel looks at children of incarcer...: Lawmakers say they will try again to get a task force formed next year to examine the issue. A professor tells a House committee that childr...

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma Prisoner Put to Death With Animal Euthana...

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma Prisoner Put to Death With Animal Euthana...: December 17, 2010 ( ChattahBox U.S. News) —Facing a shortage of drugs normally used in human executions, prison authorities in Oklahoma use...

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma prisons: 99.2% filled

Oklahoma Prison Watch: Oklahoma prisons: 99.2% filled: Oklahoma prisons: Situation normal, all filled up Jan. 28th 2013 From: Tulsa World. The Legislature needs to grant Department of Correc...

Oklahoma Mom Mixed Gin Into Infant Son's Formula

An 18-year-old Oklahoma City mother has been arrested for mixing gin into the formula she fed to her 2-month-old son, reports The Oklahoman. Rayniqua Lashelle Poole, 18, faces a

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Human trafficking a growing problem in Oklahoma

Human trafficking has developed into a booming enterprise in Oklahoma, the lead investigator with the Tulsa Police Department's seven-person Vice Unit said.

Tax benefits soon to be withheld from parents who don’t vaccinate children

Tax benefits soon to be withheld from parents who don’t vaccinate children
Natural News | Slowly, but very surely, the world's Great Power democracies are slipping into totalitarianism, all the while swearing that the trnsition away from liberty and freedom is for our own good.

Police Arrive to “Help” Man on Roof, End Up Tasering Him to Death

YouTube | Police arrived to help him down, but instead ended up killing him.

What happend to Serve and Protect??? What happened to America?
The court stated that official police personnel and the government employing them owe no duty to victims of criminal acts and thus are not liable for a failure to provide adequate police protection unless a special relationship exists.

Help: The teen who's in jail for Facebook comments is now on SUICIDE WATCH

It's unbelievable: Justin Carter is in jail for making a bad joke on Facebook. And now his dad says that he's on suicide watch.

Secretary of Defense: Create a Central National Registry for Military Sex Offenders - Sign the Petition!

Unbelievable and appalling that this is even something that we as citizens are even having to ask for...It is our right to say no and to know who is a threat how dare the government try to turn their check and ignore/allow this to go on.

Secretary of Defense: Create a Central National Registry for Military Sex Offenders
I joined the military because I wanted to serve my country.  I served as a Lance Corporal in the Marines for over three years.  In that time I was raped twice and sexually assaulted another two times. Read more..

No means no! End of story this is outrageous

Tell DKE International Fraternity: Don't Defend Yale Chapter's Pro-Rape Chant

Tell DKE International Fraternity: Don't Defend Yale Chapter's Pro-Rape Chants

In October 2010, pledges of Yale's Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity walking around first-year dorms chanting "No means yes. Yes means ****! Read more

US Department of Labor: Don’t hurt hardworking moms with costly regulations! - Sign the Petition!

I am a single mother of 3 and we barely make it by I used the money from consigned clothes to buy my kids more clothes...
US Department of Labor: Don’t hurt hardworking moms with costly regulations!
Moms who want to sell their items and volunteer at consignment events are now facing potential Department of Labor regulations that make it almost impossible for the events to continue.
continue reading...

ACLU sues Oklahoma over Ten Commandments monument at Capitol

ACLU sues Oklahoma over Ten Commandments monument at Capitol

ACLU sues to remove Oklahoma 10 Commandments monumentFox NewsThe American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma has filed a lawsuit seeking to have a monument that bears the Ten Commandments removed...

Duncan, Oklahoma schools get threats, go on alert after murder of Australian .

Duncan, Oklahoma schools get threats, go on alert after murder of Australian .
Yahoo! NewsDuncan, Oklahoma schools get threats, go on alert after murder of Australian ...Yahoo! NewsOKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Public schools in Duncan, Oklahoma, were on alert on Wednesday after police received threats..

Amber Alert Suspect Charged with Homicide, Child Endangerment

-Lewisville police arrest Oklahoma murder suspect who was hiding in hotel with .   

Police spokesman Captain Jay Powell said police were called to the Fairfield Inn near the Vista Ridge mall, where they said Robert Conner, accused of killing his son's mother in Oklahoma was there with his son, Declan Conner. Powell could not comment ... Oklahoma Amber Alert Suspect Nabbed In DFW Oklahoma man found SLEEPING in Texas motel after allegedly killing his own ... Amber Alert Suspect Charged with Homicide, Child Endangerment  - - Police spokesman Captain Jay Powell said police were called to the Fairfield Inn near the Vista Ridge mall, where they said Robert Conner, accused of killing his son's mother in Oklahoma was there with his son, Declan Conner. Powell could not comment ..Oklahoma Amber Alert Suspect Nabbed In DFW
Oklahoma man found SLEEPING in Texas motel after allegedly killing his own ...
Amber Alert Suspect Charged with Homicide, Child Endangerment
 - -

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Petitioning The U.S. Senate Oklahoma Governor and State Lawmakers: Support Sen. Johnson’s medical marijuana bill, SB 902 and SB 914

Oklahoma Governor and State Lawmakers: Support Sen. Johnson’s medical marijuana bill, SB 902 and SB 914

Sen. Constance Johnson, who made headlines recently when she fought to get a hearing for medical marijuana in the Oklahoma Legislature, has filed legislation that calls upon the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to establish a medical marijuana program in the Sooner State. Separately, she is also sponsoring legislation that would reduce the penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana....Follow this link to for more info, sign petition, voice any concerns.

Petition | Legalize Marijuana in Oklahoma |

Legalize Marijuana in Oklahoma
For complete petition informantion and signing please click on the link below..


This is a petition to fully legalize marijuana in the state of Oklahoma. Prisons are over-populated with non-violent offenders and many tax dollars are being spent on processing and preventing crime related to the plant. It's clear that the current prohibition laws are ineffective. Marijuana should be legalized for growth and private consumption as well as for manufacturing products that could be derived from the plant or its seeds. The therapeutic potential of marijuana is great, and it's Hemp characteristics open up a wide range of industrial possibilities (i.e. fuel alternatives, paper, beauty supplies). The legalization of marijuana would also certainly lead to taxation of goods produced from it, which would provide excellent economic benefit. I strongly urge you to sign this petition to legalize marijuana in the state of Oklahoma. Thank you.

Petition | State of Oklahoma: Tornado Shelters at every school

State of Oklahoma: Tornado Shelters at every school in Oklahoma at every school in ...
Please sign this petition and sent it to everyone you know. Get the word out, get it on CNN, on the local news stations. Demand action. This can happen, and happen with the speed needed. Tornadoes will not be "switched off " because it's more convenient to believe it will not happen to your children's school.

Women in Prison

Women In PrisonPatricia Spottedcrow once faced 12 years in prison, but on the morning she was released on parole, it took less than 20 minutes to walk free. She was released on Nov. 30 after completing the community corrections-level portion of her sentence required by Gov. Mary Fallin as a condition of her parole. Spottedcrow's 12-year prison sentence for selling $31 worth of marijuana garnered widespread attention after her story was featured in a 2011 Tulsa World series on women in prison. Patricia Spottedcrow sold $31 in marijuana to an informant and received 12 years in prison. She was one of the women profiled in the series that investigated why Oklahoma is ranked No. 1 in the nation in the number of women in prison. The state incarcerates 134 women per 100,000 residents, compared to the national average of 69 per 100,000, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. While the number of women entering Oklahoma’s prisons each year has remained somewhat stable in recent years – 1,284 in 2009 – the number of women in the system has grown to a high for the decade as tougher sentencing laws have passed. The cost to taxpayers is high, up to $43 per inmate per day at one facility. Meanwhile, experts say the children of female prisoners are at risk to continue the cycle. In 2011, the Tulsa World partnered with Oklahoma Watch -- an independent, non-profit investigative reporting team -- to explore the issue of female incarceration.